Saturday, April 4, 2009

hasn't updated for a long long time.
holidays are coming to an end very soon. i've not had enough fun! i've not worked throughout this whole term break. lol.. it's just so unlike me. for the all the past term breaks, i've been a workaholic. work non-stop..and job hop all the time. from it shows to surveyor to skinfood & then to sk II etc etc..n finally i was tired.really tired. I could have spent my time with friends and bf. Instead, i kept toiling myself n make myself like a work maniac.

everytime i receive my pay, i'll be overjoyed. but i realise each time i get my pay.. i spent it on something which i hated to; my medical fees. i had overworked n gradually my immune system breaks down. sigh.. i fail to juggle sch and work simultaneously. i fell sick for like 6 times over 3 months last year from oct till dec. money gets drained out each time i visit the clinic. is that what im yearning for? i often ponder over it. i became thinner.. n could only eat plain congee when i was sick. i was very pessimistic at that time. i have to stay at home and take countless MCs.. i couldn't go sch and have fun with friends. i couldn't even go out with zonkey. I even troubled him to make trips down to visit me. i hated myself immensely for troubling everyone at that time but i kept it to myself.
i hated it when the doctor asked me "why are u here again? " i felt like a loser n a weakling.

so.. im not gona work anymore until i graduate.

miss jingting! :D

♥ wake me up
11:18 PM

* * * * * * *


All bout Me

TP student

turning 19 on 21/6.

I just can't stop talking



♥New handphone!!


♥Pass my TP by june n i did!

♥lesser PIMPLES

♥LCD tv for my room!

♥nissan GTR







.January 2009.
.February 2009.
.March 2009.
.April 2009.
.May 2009.
.June 2009.
.December 2009.