Monday, February 16, 2009

went for indoor tanning at fabulous tanning the day before yest. ( valentine's day ) wiv claudine !!!! haha. how lesbie are we. :D there's really difference in our skin color just after 10 mins. hai but i experienced redness, itch and burning feeling late at nite. argh... but my cheeks are rosy. hahaha so okay la.
i shall stop complaining. went jurong point wiv zonkey yesterday and i realised hw long ive not been dere! so much changes. and dere's lotsa food dere too. DROOLS. watched love matters n it was soooooooo funny.

went sch n actualli wanted to study. but my plan failed. end up talking again wiv keekwoon n bel bel. haha. at least i photocopied some exam papers which might be beneficial to me in these few days hehe. wanted to play pool after sch but nobody wants to acc me !!!! :'(
i know im far too lazy. people are mugging like hell n yet i still wana play. lol. just for today!!! no more fun from tmr onwards till exams end alr.

♥ wake me up
6:35 AM

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Friday, February 13, 2009

i feel happy. but somehow had mixed feelings too.. haiz

♥ wake me up
7:48 PM

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bioinfo suck.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

ended sch at 12 today.. and after lunch, i accompanied bel to her cds. lol.. her tcher gave me e " who are you?!" look. so i told him im just an intruder for today.
after her cds which ended shortly, we did bioinfo.. and tis was when some arse used my laptop and end up asking me " why aren't u doing anything. can u find something to do or nt? " pls. its not like dreamweaver is everywhere n i can just use other coms to do.
wth. i wanted to finish my website so badly. n tis person can make it sound like i just wan to slack dere n do NTH when actually i feel like doing so much things n complete by today. damn it. n even accused me of saying things which i really DIDN'T.
argh. nvm... u noe who you are. n pls think b4 u talk.

bel n me are alr damn stressed and we still needa listen to such crap. ZZZZZZz. bel was struggling wiv databases.. haha can see it frm her face. haiz..

sian. thanks grace for buying back dinner for us =D if not we wud have starved to death. can see everybody is going crazy over bioinfo.. haiz hope everything is fine tmr pls!!!!!! im eating my 5th meal now for e day... lol again.

just reached bout 1130. woah. shared cab wiv harrith n kenny back home. n seems like they r falling sick.. take care k! i shall say that to myself too. hahaha. dun tink i can withstand staying up late.

i just wish that bioinfo goes smoothly tmr. same goes for orgcom. pls pls pls !!!!!!
gd night all~
back to doing proj

♥ wake me up
8:08 AM

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

YAY~ finished my flash yesterday night..slept damn late. turning a little panda soon!!!
i thought i cud get a self-portrait of myself that is being drawn out by PENCIL.. so its just being photoshopped ? . lol..CHEY.

hmmm. i managed to crack dreamweaver today! yay.. =D
so i can continue using it without any worries.

presentation is just 2 days away.. haiz. ~_~
duno what kinda grade i will get. just hope that i can pass !

valentine's day is coming..... BORING.
think i wud have to stay home after my driving lesson...somehow i don't look forward to any lessons alr. going on road is too scary. =((

i realised ive NEVER received anything special on valentine's day b4. not even roses in my whole lifetime. n definitely no handmade stuff like baked cookies or stuff on valentine's day

witnessing hw frens prepare sweet tings for their loved ones or their bf/gf makes me feel soo envious!

♥ wake me up
6:35 AM

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Monday, February 9, 2009

all thanks to belinda and kee kwoon's teaching for mct ! if nt i dun even noe wad to explain for my part.. haiz felt so guilty :(( bel bel n kk contributed alot for mct but not for me tsk tsk.. thanks to u two !!!!!! :DDD hehe.

tried doing flash todae in sch till 8.. but still.. it ends up wiv 1 stupid animated circle. haiz..
1.5 hrs more to expiry of my flash. hahahaaa. no more trial. SHIT. im still wasting time here.
i wonder what's wrong with me. i get hungry in every 3 hrs. that explains why ive eaten 4 meals since i woke up. i wan to gain more weight !!!!! cereal n ji chiong fan for brkfast. horfun add guo tiao for lunch. burger for tea time n home-cooked food for dinner...-_-

MCT IS FINALLY cant believe it.... :D gotta clear bioinformatics n everything will be over !!!!

BACK TO DOING FLASH... mission impossible - to complete flash in the next hour.

♥ wake me up
6:25 AM

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Saturday, February 7, 2009

was kinda stressed up yesterday when i was typing my 5 pgs report in sch. i think the format is entirely wrong and the content is just soo... little..haiz. but managed to finish by 3+ n handed up!!

went for e2's teatime buffet n ate some sandwiches n tarts. lol. i'm not even some mentor n yet i ate their food hahaaa. xD after which belindaa and me went to library to look for bks related to databases n flash.. -.-

we felt tt we became very serious suddenly.we finally feel the stress building up.. n luckily both of us found our books !!!!!! we even tried browsing thru every single book to look for e most detailed 1. hahahaha. how studious are we.

met kelvin, my best buddy for almost 4 years alr for dinner at chomp chomp yesterday after sch!
he changed ALOT suddenly..haha. to being more tanned n big-sized. he was damn happy to hear me say that. we had coffee at coffee bean n i find him real gay. he looked at one big bunch of guys and ask me " is that guy in black hot?" -.- when i can hardly even spot any people in black around. n yea im as lesbie as usual. he caught me looking at gurls for almost a couple of times. i cant take my eyes off hot gurls ! :D headed home after coffee.. too slpy.

went to town wiv my brother. he actually wanted to change handphone for me but i just find those available phones now damn ugly. n i bought jingting 1 body lotion for her to bring over to korea. its going to be really dry over dere.. so i gave that to her today as her birthday present.hope you wud like it gurl =D

have nt met ting for few weeks only until today...haizz.. n shes flying off to korea in few weseks time. im gona miss her!!! never tried not meeting her for less than once a month. n she will be dere for 3 months ++ ? n she must be damn bored today when i shopped ard n kept trying on shirts. so sorry! hahaha we shall shop on weekdays next time.

jingting.... are u gona buy me faceshop products when ure back? hahaha. just kidding.
we went to newton to hunt for gd food in da evening. in e end we ate at e stall which i have tried b4.
their stringray was soo nice. but lala and kangkong were just average. arghhhh. i was realli pissed off today.

when we walked past a crippled guy ( i think lunatic as well) , we ignored him when he tried to sell us pencils. who will still use pencils? at least sell mechanical pencils . but not those that we need to sharpen 1 la. n he got into a rage n shouted at us for walking too fast. n the ting is when i walked past him briskly, he spitted saliva into my FACE. WAHHHHHHH. i went to wash my face right after that. DIRTY OLD FREAK.

SUAY DAY.damn it. im going to be more pimplelicious tmr.

JINGTING. u must meet me more often b4 u fly !!!!!!!
we can study together for exams !!!!!!

i feel like changing my hairstyle suddenly. okay. i shall change it next wkend !!!!!!!! to sth new. heeeeeee. back to doing FLASHHHHH. it took up so much of my time zzzzzzzzzzzz. it stated 24 hrs to learn. and 1 hr for each chap. ultimate bullshit. ive spent 2-3 hrs on this chap alr........ sleeping soon. ZZZZ

♥ wake me up
7:17 AM

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Passed my FTT today.. didn't study much due to my sickening lab test which falls on today as well. lab test was pretty ez. hehe. everything went smoothly for me todae!!

went for my 1st e-trial an hr before my FTT and i failed both papers badly. N the worst ting is i tot i cud practise many many papers. so i rushed thru without reading thoroughly through my mistakes. in e end i completed both papers within 30 mins n learnt almost NTH. argh. so my confidence is running real low.

went to meet kk at the cafe n i was really demoralised. he was my adviser for e dae n kept persuading me to just give it a try later. i actually intended to head straight home without taking e test. the funny thing is he asked me to close my eyes n wish for a pass n he sae it works. oh gosh. n i really did that out of desperation HAHAHA.

so i gave it a try. n when i entered e room , i was hoping to get a seat whereby nobody sits bside me. so even if i fail, it wudnt be so embarrassing. in e end...... i was posted to a row wiv the most pple. N i saw the cute guy who went for the e-trial again. n i chose not to sit bside him just in case i fail i tink hes gona laugh his ass off.

In e end , i was actualli supposed to sit bside him. cos after many failed attempts of loging in , i realised i sat at the wrong seat. wahhh. den he tot im crazy or sth cos he gave e wth face. like a moment sit dere n suddenli sit beside him. i was really tempted to ask . can u please help me wiv my FTT. im gona fail it. wanted to ask another person sitting bside me at e other seat but he just looked like hes gona bash ppl up anytime. but of cos i wudnt ever try to say that.

what if they baotoh me? lol. so i jus pray that i wud pass. n tht cute fellow took just 10 minutes to finish the FTT. man. i told myself i can never finish the paper before other pple sitting beside me for fear i fail. N he passed. my god. tts so power. lol. n that fierce fellow sitting 1 seat awae from me banged e table b4 he left. wow i was too engrossed in tinking so i got a shock. Again , i peeped at his screen n he failed. no wonder hes so pissed off lol. n finally its my turn to end test. n WOW..... wad a surprise for me. =D

got a 5 pgs report to type out by today. n QUIZZZZZZ to study for. :(((((((((((((((

Anyway lingy , so glad tt u have moved on ~ proud of u too for being able to take tis step.
I know it's hard on u. Cos ive gone through tis stage too. determined to wait.. having the naive tinking that 1 day he will be back. but coming to realise that he has alr treated me as a normal fren n will always do. Will such a day come by? definitely not. If hes sick of me now , he can be sick of me again n again in future even IF hes back. its just a vicious cycle.

yea so everything is back to normal now n will always be like this!!I'm back to secondary sch till poly year 1 days. return home after sch n rot at home like a couch potato.

YAY~ haha. think i wud have to stay at home for valentine's day alr.
K.. im going off to study.

can't wait for sun-tanning wiv clsmates after exams! i look like some white mouse now!!!

♥ wake me up
3:40 AM

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

OMG. razali sent me those answers taken by his phone.


♥ wake me up
7:28 AM

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tmr is my lab test n my FTT.... :'''''(
i dont have the answers to all single experiments'. HW AM I GOING TO TAKE MY LAB TEST
TMR? FTT... only read till pg 40. ive not even done the exercises.

haiz. im always doing LAST MIN WORK. Leopard nv changes its spots. and yea ive spots all over my face. those sickening pimples!!!

I've to work on the website , start doing databases cos it's due next week. n a 5 pgs report by this thurs. Last but nt least. MCT - i know shit bout it. source codes.... looks like some foreign language to me n its due by next week too. WHY WHY WHY am i slacking all the time? its not like i don't wanna start now. ive no idea of where to start on.

went home by taking 22 today.. waited extremely long n somehow i just wasnt angry this time.
i don't know why. maybe i wud rather stay outside longer than going home which is soooo boring.

OK.. my time is like running up alr for tonight. cos im feeling very sleepy alr.

I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today!!!~

♥ wake me up
6:12 AM

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All bout Me

TP student

turning 19 on 21/6.

I just can't stop talking



♥New handphone!!


♥Pass my TP by june n i did!

♥lesser PIMPLES

♥LCD tv for my room!

♥nissan GTR







.January 2009.
.February 2009.
.March 2009.
.April 2009.
.May 2009.
.June 2009.
.December 2009.