
Saturday, January 31, 2009

woke up at 7+ today n went to pray at bugis.
went to temple for divination as well.

n my qian states exactly whats happening to me now. im in a raging storm.. undergoing lotsa difficulties. which i tink is on my emotional part. n it stated tt relationships wudnt work out too. which also happened. haha.. n also missing/lost articles will never come back..
ooo. profound right. haha. but i noe e meaning bhind it.

n coming to the most e IMPT part , i must be patient n my traveller will come soon. =D

CLAUDINE is still sleeping. :(
at first when she told me after driving her legs turned jelly , i didnt believe. n now im experiencing it.
don't know where r we heading to later on. ive no energy to go out alr!

♥ wake me up
10:03 PM

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tired day!

Friday, January 30, 2009

went to sch at bout 10 plus ytd n stayed till 7 plus.. cos there was CM cup. our class was very enthu. haha. almost all turned up. cheers to all~ n we are e 2nd runner up!! much much better than last yr. =D

wasn't feeling well yesterday. i can feel e heat in me n was having a bad sore throat. argh...
so i went opp sch to buy ling yang to suppress the heat in me. n it did help.. not long after that. i perspired. lol. i tink tis is e falling sick season. Bel , her bf , grace and me were like super drained out. some had flu too. wah lao why must humans fall sick?

Anyway.. i cant fall sick anymore !! ive taken like dozens of antibiotics. they r damaging my immune system all the time.. no wonder im so weak now. If someone down wiv flu sneezes into my face , i tink i will be sick the nxt moment and it has happened b4. lol.

Moreover, im all alone now. i must take gd care of myself !! shall not be reliant on anybody.
So now im damn kiasu. Every morning i will force myself down wiv spirulina , fish oil capsules and Vitamin A-Z syrup. IF i really fall sick again in tis few weeks , then i will really resign to fate n turn a herbivore very soon. I've been sleeping early , avoiding heaty food n drinking at least 2.5 LITRES of water a day!!!

ytd someone told me bout her troubles..this guy waited for like 8 months for her. n when she was bout to accept, this guy had alr left wiv another gurl. n this guy alr knew that my fren likes him too. tsktsk

n now i know tat i'm not the only one on a emotional rollercoaster..
haha. we must be Superwomen !! =) loves.

YAY~ after exams , im gona get a new job to chiong my driving !!!
tomorrow will be my first lesson...
GD LUCK TO ME. i hope im not sooo blur.
FTT is just nxt wednesday. gd luck to me again for i will be only reading through it just few hrs b4 e test.

no idea of where to go today. might be working on the website again. argh. duno what went wrong !

im PIMPLELICIOUS now. duno what happened. stress? impossible.
most probably cos of last last wk. cos i oni slept for like 8 hrs over few days.
haiz.. im so ugly now..
i need facial n eyebrow trimming!!!!

♥ wake me up
7:49 PM

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

went fann wong's house ytd for visiting wiv brother n dasao!
shes really pretty n she noes how to take care of her skin real well. she look damn young.
really envious. Christopher was also at her house. n he realli made us feel at home. he's such a nice fellow! he brought lotsa food like roasted duck n chicken.. seafood steamboat n pig organ's soup. haha e food was quite nice~ but quite paiseh to take much.

ate salmon wiv leom , boyce n jj they all today! n i finally get to play mahjong !!! YAY... i have finally learnt how to play but still a NOOB.. haha. im quite slow at it. i must tink for quite long b4 i displace any of my tiles. no wonder ppl say play mahjong helps to speed up our thinking. i needa train alr ! we are still in new yr mood :D

leomie saw someone who is like so unexpected to appear. N he's wiv NEW gf alr. oh man. guys really suck. they can just say i love u so much at tis moment n promise that they wanna be wiv u for life. n after a few days, they will have a change of heart. they r so unpredictable.

♥ wake me up
4:42 AM

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Monday, January 26, 2009

visited my dad's fren house n my grandma hse. its been ages since i catch up wiv my cousins. they r all so tall now... n zhi sheng scored 10 points for O levels.. haha i felt so stupid among em :(
anyway... today was a moody day for me. i don't know why. had a bad dream last night.

n today it just doesn't feel n seem right. i don't know what happened. i felt so so so down.. haiz.
hopefully tmr will be a better day for me.

received many ang baos but.. they just don't seem to be what i want. argh. i wanna smack myself.


♥ wake me up
6:03 AM

* * * * * * *

Sunday, January 25, 2009

met desmond koh in the afternoon at kovan for lunch. but i didn't eat. haha..cos i was too hungry again and ate at home. He talked alot really. i thought hes gona keep quiet today n i'll need to do all the talking but i was so so wrong.

We walked up n down n around the whole place n just crapped.Eventually we end up sitting at the coffee shop n talked. We bought 4D ! but my number is sold out.

reunion dinner was sumptuous! got abalone .. scallops .. prawns etc etc. =D Im so BLOATED NOW. n i guess i really can't drink. i feel so weird when i drank e white wine my brother poured for me. so i merely drank a sip n gave to my mum! haha.

gona sleep soon. hehe. =) night night to all~

♥ wake me up
7:39 AM

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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Had so much fun last night xD
went to cine ytd wiv ling n jiayi came followed by bevan.
watched DA XI SHI. ahahah it's quite a nice show... but i was so so so hungry when i was watching the movie. so after that we went to eat suki sushi.
n while we were eating sushi, ive decided to go home but they psychoed me to go powerhse!
and at tat time it was alr 12.. hhaha so i tagged along. i told em i will just go for awhile n in the end i stayed till 230. =x didnt drink at all..only drank pokka green tea. In a club. HAHA hw funny.

met few frens that ive lost contact with. so surprised to see xueyi !! omg n i din know she was with KiKi. :( didnt get to say hi to her. its just a small world. only danced wiv ling n jiayi. im anti-guys !!! makes me feel gross when guys r around.I can't stand smoke smell haiz. saw kelvin too n he sent me to the taxi stand n we talked for awhile. he was shocked to see me on e podium n said i've changed. i didn't change. im still the usual me. im just dere to explore cos ive not been dere b4. dont worry.

tired. today will be e day for reunion dinner!!!!

♥ wake me up
7:28 PM

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Friday, January 23, 2009

im just so disappointed. but who gives a damn to my feelings right now?
haa. im just so FOOLISH. don't wish to say what happened. anyway bygones r bygones. i dun wish
to remember it.

will design my blog soon. cos im going out soon! im not free.

♥ wake me up
11:43 PM

* * * * * * *

Last week has been hell for me :(
cried from last thursday till tuesday like nobody's business.It's just so heart-wrenching when i thought of parting with him during that period of time.1 year and 4 months.. but its my longest r/s.it's not very long and not short. Memories kept flashing through my mind before i get to sleep for many many days..just like a 3-4 hours continous video.Tears trickled down n my heart was pricking pain.On the 2nd night, i asked ken over e phone if i should call him? He told me.. don't expect for too much.When someone says he needs time, hes forcing himself away from u. He wouldn't be back.Its just a reason not to make me feel so upset.In fact its actually even more hurting than e truth..he told me if u really feel like talking to him so badly, u should just call.I couldn't control myself for that night so i called him.On tat night, i cried terribly when i knew that he has already regarded me as a friend. N he told me his battery is running low n hes going to have supper wiv his friends. I don't wanna bother him. I dont want to cry over the phone and make him feel irritated. So i hanged up... n i cried until i felt like as if i was suffocating. My mum woke up and consoled me n i cried even more. U know humans tend to feel more emotional when pple are trying to console em. lol. She hugged me tightly n consoled me.. i was so touched. i told myself im so fortunate to have such a mummy. she was dere for me listening to me until 3am. Then she moved into my room n slept wiv me.She told me to be strong.. my whole family will be my pillars of strength n no matter what, they will always be with me. Im not alone. N on the 3rd day, i told myself it's a new beginning for me. I felt so much better already after crying out everything. phew.. i returned to sch n was all smiles. U guys might be worried why i appear to be alright n and the same time think that is it only on the surface? Nope.. I've thought through.. no point crying when the other party doesn't love you. U will be shedding tears for nth. N if hes able to let go easily, so can u!! right? :)
Im no longer waiting.. cos it will eventually lead to nothing.
Im just very upset why is it so sudden? Its not like we quarrelled almost everyday or sth that makes both of us so tired of this r/s. Maybe he has tolerated me for very long.. i don't know n don't wish to know.In e past, there was this period of time when i feel that i cudn't commit anymore but i insisted..eventually my feelings came back.but i can understand tis.. once feelings is gone, u can never force urself wiv that person. It makes u feel soo miserable. so ive never blamed him. =) we will still be good friends.

I felt so annoyed with myself for bothering all of my friends. Sorry... really sorry to all of you.
I love u guys. Really.Thanks for e effort u all have put in to make me happy. Im really very grateful..sighs.
For e past of 1 yr n 4 months, i realised that ive neglected my friends. Im so sorry...n now all of u came back to support me, to cheer me up. i felt so guilty.

Belinda! i love you so so much. Uve been there for me through ups n downs.. trying so hard to make me smile. =D n even sent me to my bus stop n ensure i board e bus safely. U tried to ask me out too to make me forget bout e past but sorry i didnt tag along .. lol. Just want to say million thanks to u for this past 1 week. N to phyllis, leom, phildia n keekwoon.. thanks for eating wiv me. i feel so much better to feel u guys' presence. i really hope that we will still be as close as ever. We will never part =)

hongping. haha. u changed alot. to a wonderful friend!! thanks for being dere for me to hear all my nonsense n accompany me when im so down. In future, if anything happens to u must tell me k! i will be dere for u too.

Ting ting thx for ur console..i think its better to remain single too to prevent being hurt. haha but dont be afraid of guys that much k. if not u will be afraid of ur 2 brothers at home!

Lingggy u also. All thanks to ur waking up session. If not im still being so foolish.... hehe. love u too!! n we are going out today. We r gona enjoy ourselves !

Desmond. surprised that ur name is in here too? haha.on e 2nd night i really luffed my ass off when u tried to make ur dog perform stunts in front of e webcam. n thanks for being dere for me too. i know ure very emotional too. haha. In e end its like im trying to console u le! omg. anyway.. joining single club is good. ur membership wouldn't expire cos i wont let u quit this club. hahaha. cheers!

Im ending this entry alr..i start blogging cos i hate bottling everything up in my heart.I hate calling friends at night to voice out my nonsense. So i tink its better to voice out here..Moreover, i hate bothering people.. i dont wan to make myself a nuisance to u guys. so i blog out what i feel n think.. its a good way to express oneself out. haha. =) love u guys. =D And im gona look for unconditional love, someone who doesn't mind me for falling sick often, not having same hobbies n of cos my hot temper =x but i tink that will be in few yrs time. i wana enjoy single life !!!!!!! YAY~

♥ wake me up
8:04 PM

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All bout Me

TP student

turning 19 on 21/6.

I just can't stop talking



♥New handphone!!


♥Pass my TP by june n i did!

♥lesser PIMPLES

♥LCD tv for my room!

♥nissan GTR







.January 2009.
.February 2009.
.March 2009.
.April 2009.
.May 2009.
.June 2009.
.December 2009.